Each new person who creates a user account on the MathWorks website with an email address in the university domain has access to the individual license Matlab + Simulink + toolboxes. It may happen that existing MathWorks toolbox users (with an email address in the university domain) do not have this license connected. Then the license can be connected in two ways:1. The user can add this licence to their account by themselves using the Activation Key number. This number can be made public because during the process of adding the license the email address is verified (whether it is in the domain of the university).2. Administrator adds a 'manual' licence user in the administration panel:a. after logging in to the administration panel and indicating the selected licence, the administrator can, in the "Manage Users" tab, connect the user and grant him/her appropriate rights. IMPORTANT: the user must have an email address in the university domain
licence number matlab mobile
All these products use a separate licence and can be installed on separate servers. The number of servers is unlimited. The licence number should be provided by the administrator, who must activate the server, then add users as end users so they can download and install the software. Each network licence server can be managed by a different local administrator (e.g. local departmental laboratory licence server).
Can I use MATLAB on my Phone or Web Browser?Use MATLAB Online and the MATLAB Mobile app to run MATLAB from a browser or connect to a MATLAB session on the cloud.mathworks.com/products/matlab-onlinemathworks.com/products/matlab-mobile 2ff7e9595c